Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Understanding Sun Tzu on the Art of War

Pensamento de Sun Tzu

clique no link, e escolhe uma letra, vai ver o que a teoria de Sun Tzu pode aplicar a estratégia de Marketing.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Ideas of Wally Olins

Manage the Brand

news by Público, revista DIAD, 24 de Outubro, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Informations> The Marketing Model


Informations> A New Book

A Book migt be interest for you.

The New Marketing Conversation:

Creating and Building Conversations between Buyers and Sellers

by Donna Baier Stein and Alexandra MacAaron

Business and marketing executives have realized for a long time that it’s a new day in marketing. Customers, both potential and actual, don’t want to be talked at or preached to, or put at the center of a bull’s eye. They want to be engaged, to make their needs and wants known, in ways that suit their particular needs.

It gives the reader a strategic blueprint for creating the kinds of dialogs customers want in ways that those customers want to be engaged.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

i am thinking about: MKT, ADS, Present and Future, the past, etc... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Its not easy to sale something like this Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Whats this? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Informations> Observations

What i've read tonight in

Pigs Talk

Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa domesticus, when young or of comparatively small size.
  1. The edible parts of one of these mammals.
  1. Informal. A person regarded as being piglike, greedy, or gross.
  2. A crude block of metal, chiefly iron or lead, poured from a smelting furnace.
  3. A mold in which such metal is cast.
  4. Pig iron.
  5. Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a police officer.
  6. Slang. A member of the social or political establishment, especially one holding sexist or racist views.
intr.v., pigged, pig·ging, pigs.

To give birth to pigs; farrow.

Images by iNSaNe
text by


One of the example of good news/bad news, contrast-in-meaning type of dream omen. It signifies vexation in family affairs, but satisfaction in business or professional matters. The omen is modified by the condition of the animals: intensified if the pigs were fat; and diminished if they were lean.

Image by iNSaNe
Ans given by

Friday, August 26, 2005


Enigmatic and mysterious you are a profound thinker and philosopher with great analytical ability and strong intuition. Perceptive and understanding you have a wonderful ability to read people. Your creative imagination and eloquence gives you a natural potential for writing and poetry. Very independent and individualistic you follow your own creed.

Ans given by
Photo by iNSaNe

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A lovely couple with Beautiful Eyes

Music: Crazy Frog presents Crazy Hits - PopCorn

picture by

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Save the animals

Animal's Right!
Protect the Animals.

Picture by iNSane

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Canon's Campaign in Spain

En el 2004 Canon decidió diseñar una promoción agresiva dirigida a su red de distribuidores, con el objetivo de revitalizar la gama de faxes y equipos multifunción para empresas. La complejidad de la venta de ambos equipamientos es alta, por un lado por las nuevas tecnologías que están dejando atrás el mundo del fax y para los equipos multifunción, el fuerte entorno competitivo. El Reto: Cómo poder ayudar a la red comercial, ante tanta adversidad, a conseguir los objetivos.
Se desarrollaron 3 envíos (uno por cuatrimestre) dirigidos a los gerentes compuestos de: caja, carta explicativa, folletos para clientes y guimmick (Confetti matasuegras, Cinta métrica y Juegos de habilidad).

“Disfruta tus ventas”. Canon te ofrece varios elementos lúdicos, como una de las muchas posibilidades para disfrutar al máximo de tu tiempo de ocio.


Olvídate de los esfuerzos. Canon pone en tus manos una herramienta de ventas que te libera de cualquier esfuerzo. Ofertas tan atractivas para tus clientes que los productos se venderán solos y tendrás “Mucho tiempo libre” para dedicarlo a lo que quieras.

El comercial de Canon debe esforzarse al máximo para la consecución de los objetivos. Esto supone dar el 100% en todo momento y plena dedicación al trabajo.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Key

This is the Image I see about my Key

picture by iNSaNe

Saturday, July 23, 2005



The consumer of 2020Síntese de um estudo da consultora de estratégia Bain & Company publicado pela Global Agenda Magazine 2005

Segmentação dificultada:
"Tomorrow’s consumers will not easily be segmented. 'High end' customers will sometimes buy cheap goods and 'low end' seek the occasional luxury experience."

Cruzamento de categorias:
"The same upscale consumer who seeks out the “retail theatre” of an Armani store to buy a suit will go to Wal-Mart over the weekend to stock up on bulk items."

Novos padrões de consumo:
"Consumers will value products and services that are tailored to lifestyle and life-stage needs, particularly health and ageing."


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harmony and Intelligence in Adidas Advertising


(to view the ads film, please click)


The M&Ms Campaign by BBDO, New York

This is what happens when you eat too many brown M&Ms

M&Ms - Kaleidoscope


Agency: BBDO, New York
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars
Creative Director: Susan Credle
Creative Director: Steve Rutter
Senior Producer: Becky Friedman
Copywriter Rick Abbott
Art Director Bryan Wilson

Production Company: Radical Media, New York
Producer Samantha Storr
Director Dave Meyers

Editing House: Blue Rock Editorial
Editor: Don Kleszy

Special Music:
"Such Great Heights" by Iron and Wine:

Post Effects: Charlex, Inc.
Executive Creative Director: Alex Weil
CG Supervisor / Effects Supervisor: Keith McCabe
Senior Smoke Editor: Kevin Matuszewski
Senior Smoke Editor: Christopher Palazini
Smoke Editor: Rob Aiello
Senior Flame Artist: Greg Oyen
Senior Flame Artist: Marc Goldfine
Flame Artist: Jesse Newman
Flame Artist: Burtis Scott
Flame Artist: Kevin Quinlan
Designer: Chisa Yagi
Lead Animator: Tony Tabtong
Lead Animator: Pat Porter
Animator: Miles Southan
Lead Lighter: James Fisher
Lighting Technical Director: Cody Chen
Lighting Technical Director: Gong Myung Lee
Lighting Technical Director: Szymon Weglarski
Lead Character Technical Director: Steve Mann
Character Technical Director: Andre Stuppert
Lead Effects Technical Director: Bill Watral
Production Coordinator: Aleen Kim
Producer: Christine Vallee
Senior Producer / Effects Supervisor: Steve Chiarello
Executive Producer: Adam Isidore


The Creative Edge from the Commercial Productions

Trent Reznor gets the digital treatment from Fincher and Digital Domain

Nine Inch Nails - Only

Client: Interscope Records
Directed by David Fincher
Production Company: Digital Domain, Inc.
Animation and Visual Effects by: Digital Domain, Inc.
Executive Producer: Ed Ulbrich
VFX Supervisor:Eric Barba
VFX Producer:Lisa Beroud Digital Production Manager: Chris House
Editor: Russ Glasgow
CG Supervisor: Jay Barton
Compositing Supervisor: Jonathan Hicks
Flame Artist: James Blevins
Nuke Compositor: Greg Teegarden
Nuke Compositor: Janelle Croshaw
Color Grader: Todd Sarsfield
Pre-Vis. Artist: John Allardice
Digital Artist: Chris Norpchen
Digital Artist: Piotr Karwas
Digital Artist: Richard Morton
Digital Artist: John Cooper
Digital Artist: Dave Carlson
Digital Artist: Patrick Perez
Digital Artist: Rob Nederhorst
Digital Artist: Jim Gaczkowski
Digital Artist: Aaron Powell
Tracking Artist: Scott Edelstein


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

FCB "Bandeiras" The Only one Portugues Lion

This is the Campaign produced for the "Grande Reportagem" magazine

Press - The Gold lion' winner

In front on the left - Presidente Carlos Galamba,
Art Director - João Roque,
Copywriter - Ícaro Doria(now FCB Brasil) e o
Creative Director FCB - Luís Silva Dias.


Mais uma Campanha do TMN, by

(click the links to view the films)

A TMN chegou ao Sudoeste!!

Another Campaign of TMN


Check out the differences betweens 3 different films and the ideias beside the story. And, This is made by TBWA Lisboa, Portugal.

If you would like to post a comment, please do tho.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Uma campanha publicitária Portuguesa

A necessidade do "filho"
(To View the spot campaign, please click on the link " filho")

“Seja o seu filho por um dia” é o mote da nova campanha multimeios da TMN (TV, imprensa, rádio e mupi) assinada pela TBWA\EPG.

"The advertising idea":
O conceito da campanha passa por lançar o desafio aos pais para que sejam “o seu filho por um dia” pretendendo brincar com a ideia generalizada de que os mais novos ainda não têm idade para ter um telemóvel.

Ficha técnica:
[ Dir. Criativo: Leandro Alvarez | Dir. arte: Gezo Marques
[ Redactores: João Ribeiro, João Castanho | Produtor: António Serrano
[ Dir. conta: Miguel Gonçalves | Account: Joana Heitor


Friday, July 15, 2005

What is Creativity?

I would like to invite you for some answers or opinions.

Please leave me a comment.

Thank you very much!


The japanese ads market

I just bought this book today.
Its about japanese graphics, prints, outdoors and campaigns.
Sort of stylish thoughs of Japanese Creative culture!

21 June 2005

Michael Conrad, Dean of the Roger Hatchuel Lion's Academy, has urged students to be bold.

"Don't play it safe," he told the 29 members of the academy, who have come together from 22 territories for a one-week immersion course in the best of what the advertising world has to offer. "Don't be afraid to rock the boat and don't be held back by the existing expectations of managers or agencies."

From initial observations, the students - all of whom range in age from 18- 23 - have brought with them "a much more human approach" to the advertising industry, said Conrad, who is the former Worldwide Chief Creative Officer of Leo Burnett.

The academy members have also brought with them the idea "that advertising and communication must serve human interest", he added.

The academy, now in its third year, is the brainchild of the former Festival Chairman, Roger Hatchuel. "The buzz word of these younger creatives is viral marketing," Conrad said. "This generation demands that an idea be interesting enough that they'd want to pass it on to their friends."

The students come in for a week under the guidance of Tutor Clive Challis, Head of the advertising ourse at Central Saint Martins in London. In the coming days, more students are due to arrive from Asia, as well as from Central and Eastern Europe. "These are students who are completely cool with multiple platforms and new media, and are totally comfortable with bringing both concept and empathy to their work," Challis said. "In that, they are ahead of the industry."

"Usually when people enter the industry, the technology is a barrier and the process of overcoming it can have a diluting effect on the ideas," Conrad added. "But that's not likely to happen here."

Noting that the students represent the "the créme de la créme" of the younger generation, Conrad said he worries the academy members may be held back by the current generation of managers and agencies, many of whom are not that comfortable with new technology. "They also have a fear of rocking the boat," he added. "They don't want to lose clients. But what I want to tell these academy members is that our clients are here to rediscover creativity. This is not the place to play it safe."

The students are also being taught by the créme de la créme of the advertising world. In addition to attending the seminars, they will participate in intimate sessions with the likes of Ogilvy Toronto's Janet Kesten and Nancy Vonk, WAM's Pierre Marcus, IdeaMangement's Ralf Langwost, and McCann Worldwide's Marcio Moreira.

by ""